What Data Tells Us About Teaching & Learning Clean Energy Skills
About this course
We hired Brick Maier - formerly with Amazon & Microsoft - to spend a few months on campus as a "Researcher-in-Residence". We gave him access to all of our student performance data, including detailed video metrics. This course presents a series of recommendations for students, instructors, and teams using HeatSpring for employee learning.
Course outline
Module 1 • 4 assignments
Introduction to HeatSpring's "Researcher-in-Residence" Project
This module provides an introduction to Brick, why we hired him, and what he's going to do.
- Why did we hire a "Researcher-in-Residence"? (03:10 minutes)
- Meet Brick Maier, HeatSpring's "Researcher-in-Residence" (01:16 minutes)
- What lessons can we learn from Amazon's data-driven approach to training? (02:50 minutes)
- Why does this matter? What are we hoping to accomplish by using our data in this way? (02:40 minutes)
Module 2 • 2 assignments
Best Practices Learning Clean Energy Skills
- Video Summary: What the data says about taking clean energy courses on HeatSpring (03:00 minutes)
- White Paper: What the data says about taking clean energy courses on HeatSpring (.pdf)
Module 3 • 4 assignments
Best Practices Teaching Clean Energy Skills
- Video Summary: What the data says about building great courses (05:26 minutes)
- White Paper: Using data to build more engaging courses (.pdf)
- AI demo 1: Use RAG for Quiz creation (02:31 minutes)
- AI demo 2: Use an AI voice for narration (04:14 minutes)
Module 4 • 4 assignments
Heatspring Teams and Learning and Development
- Video Summary: How companies are using Teams to build a skilled workforce (02:05 minutes)
- White Paper: How companies are integrating Teams into Learning and Development (.pdf)
- Engagement Recommendations: Getting the most out of Teams (04:27 minutes)
- Overall Tips: Integrating Teams into Organizations (03:49 minutes)
Brick Maier
I currently work on delivering tailored learning experiences that help partner teams solve problems faster. In a fast paced high change environment, training needs to be accurate, modular, and adaptable. I am developing programs that leverage the collective expertise of the crowd to vet and scale content to help teams apply what they learned in their role. I believe...