About this course
In this lesson, we will explore what electrification is and how it influences what technologies should be deployed in homes. Additionally, we will explore how onsite energy storage doesn’t just benefit local communities, but also the way in which it enables new homes to be resilient, fossil fuel-free, and self-generating.
Participants will:
- Become familiar with the impact electrification will have on new construction projects
- Understand how code changes and energy policy are expediting the improvement of home performance in MA
- Learn the value of energy storage and its significance in allowing new construction projects to have no carbon footprint
Course outline
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Storage and Electrification
- Storage and Electrification (56:30 minutes)
- Additional Resources
Michael Simons
In leading Abode’s training and development programs, Mike seeks to help people find joy in their work as they employ sound building science concepts that enhance customer experience. Having helped multiple home performance contractors grow strong through training thoughtful building analysts. Mike is focused on getting people to think the right way away about the...