NABCEP Solar PV Associate Prep Course - in Italian

About this course
Elettricisti, appaltatori o persone che vogliono cambiare carriera: apprendi i fondamenti dei sistemi solari fotovoltaici e ottieni l'aiuto di esperti per preparare e superare l'esame associato NABCEP Photovoltaic (PV). Avrai accesso a un istruttore esperto, video di lezioni, risorse utili e quiz pratici per aiutarti a superare l'esame NABCEP PV Associate e ottenere questa credenziale di settore ben riconosciuta.
L'istruttore di questo corso, Giulia Suriano, è un istruttore che lavora dal 2008 nel settore solare. E’ un ingegnere ambientale con molti anni nel settore sostenibile e rinnovabili. È disponibile per rispondere alle domande sul forum di discussione mentre lavori sui materiali del corso. È estremamente reattivo e risponde alle domande in modo molto dettagliato.
HeatSpring è un fornitore registrato NABCEP, un fornitore di esami NABCEP PV Associate e il partner ufficiale di formazione NABCEP PV Associate della conferenza NABCEP 2024 CE.
Una volta terminato questo corso, avrai diritto a sostenere l'esame per associato PV NABCEP. L'esame può ora essere sostenuto a casa tramite Live Online Proctoring sul proprio computer o presso uno qualsiasi dei 1.350 centri di test Scantron nel mondo. Ulteriori informazioni sugli esami NABCEP.
Non incluso - Tassa d'esame
La tariffa per l'esame per associati PV NABCEP è una tariffa separata addebitata dalla NABCEP al momento della pianificazione dell'esame dopo aver completato il corso. Dopo aver completato il corso e ottenuto un certificato di completamento, gli studenti possono facoltativamente presentare una domanda NABCEP e una tassa d'esame di $ 150 nell'ultimo modulo del corso. Ti garantiamo che supererai l'esame al primo tentativo, in caso contrario ti rimborseremo la tassa d'esame di $ 150 o ti permetteremo di sostenere nuovamente l'esame senza alcun costo.
Per guadagnare 18 crediti NABCEP avanzati, dovrai completare il corso e superare l'esame NABCEP PV Associate.
Ciò si applica solo se intendi sostenere l'esame di certificazione NABCEP PV Installation Professional o altri esami di certificazione NABCEP PV e hai bisogno di 18 ore di credito di formazione avanzata sul fotovoltaico per questo corso. In tal caso, è necessario superare l'esame PV Associate affinché le 18 ore siano valide con NABCEP.
Ottieni le tue credenziali NABCEP nel modo più semplice.
Prima ottieni le tue credenziali NABCEP, prima sarai sulla buona strada per una carriera redditizia. Possiamo aiutarti a superare il NABCEP PV Associate e avviarti verso una certificazione NABCEP PV. Per non parlare della fornitura delle importanti conoscenze di livello professionale necessarie per avere successo nel settore.
Course outline
Welcome • 3 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
- Before starting the course
Module 1 • 6 assignments
Solar market applications and safety basic
- First part - Market Application (13:59 minutes) Preview
- Second part - Market Application (14:49 minutes)
- Third Part - Market Application (19:06 minutes)
- Forth part - Market Application (20:03 minutes)
- First part - Safety (24:05 minutes)
- Second part - Safety (24:40 minutes)
Module 2 • 7 assignments
Electricity basic and solar fundamental
- First part - Electricity basic (29:49 minutes)
- Second part - Electricity basic (21:26 minutes)
- First part - Solar Energy Fundamental (27:33 minutes)
- Second part - Solar Energy Fundamental (29:46 minutes)
- Third part- Solar Energy Fundamental (21:45 minutes)
- Forth part - Solar Energy Fundamental (28:48 minutes)
- Fifth part - Solar Energy Fundamental (30:52 minutes)
Module 3 • 10 assignments
PV module Fundamental and System Components
- First part - PV Module Fundamental (30:10 minutes)
- Second part - PV Module Fundamental (23:59 minutes)
- Third Part - PV Module Fundamental (23:51 minutes)
- Forth part - PV Module Fundamental (29:21 minutes)
- First part - System Components (18:58 minutes)
- Second part - System Components (18:33 minutes)
- Third part - System Components (15:14 minutes)
- Forth part - System Components (27:40 minutes)
- Fifth part - System Components (18:11 minutes)
- Sixth part - System Components (24:56 minutes)
Module 4 • 13 assignments
PV System Sizing and Electrical Design
- First part - PV System Sizing (30:53 minutes)
- Second Part - PV System Sizing (16:00 minutes)
- Third Part - PV System Sizing (21:47 minutes)
- Forth Part - PV System Sizing (16:42 minutes)
- Fifth Part - PV System Sizing (19:04 minutes)
- First part - PV Watts (14:57 minutes)
- Second part - PV Watts (21:30 minutes)
- Third part - PV Watts (25:52 minutes)
- First part - PV System Electrical Design (17:28 minutes)
- Second part - PV System Electrical Design (20:29 minutes)
- Third part - PV System Electrical Design (13:06 minutes)
- Forth part - PV System Electrical Design (19:50 minutes)
- Fifth part - PV System Electrical Design (17:33 minutes)
Module 5 • 11 assignments
PV System Mechanical Design, Performance Analysis, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- First part - PV System Mechanical Design (17:07 minutes)
- Second part - PV System Mechanical Design (19:37 minutes)
- Third part - PV System Mechanical Design (20:46 minutes)
- Forth part - PV System Mechanical Design (20:48 minutes)
- Fifth part - PV System Mechanical Design (20:46 minutes)
- Sixth part - PV System Mechanical Design (19:05 minutes)
- Seventh part - PV System Mechanical Design (19:23 minutes)
- Eight part - PV System Mechanical Design (18:12 minutes)
- Ninth part - PV System Mechanical Design (19:33 minutes)
- First part - Performance Analysis, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (24:35 minutes)
- Second part - Performance Analysis, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (30:03 minutes)
Module 6 • 6 assignments
Voltage Temperature Calculations + Practice Exam
Infine un esempio di quiz dell'esame NABCEP.
- First part - String Sizing - Voltage Temperature Calculations (17:49 minutes)
- Second part - String Sizing - Voltage Temperature Calculations (18:15 minutes)
- Third part - String Sizing - Voltage Temperature Calculations (26:32 minutes)
- Forth part - String Sizing - Voltage Temperature Calculations (16:31 minutes)
- Fifth part - String Sizing - Voltage Temperature Calculations (23:27 minutes)
- NABCEP Associate Practice Exam 4 - 64 Questions With Answer and Detailed Explanations English (.pdf)
Conclusion • 6 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- NABCEP Photovoltaic Associate Exam Candidate Information Form (.pdf)
- Submit Your NABCEP PV Associate Application and Schedule Your Exam
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Continuing Education Units
Approved for the following CEUs
- 18 NABCEP PV Training Hours (passing score on the PV Associate exam required)
Approved NABCEP CEU Hours
NABCEP Credential | Advanced Hours for Exam | Recertification CEU Hours | NEC | JTA | RE Elective | Building or Fire Code |
18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
NABCEP Registered Provider

This course fulfills the training requirements to sit for the NABCEP PV Associate exam and HeatSpring is a NABCEP Registered PV Associate Provider.
I have been i solar since 2008 and as environmental engineer i believe this renewable technology is pretty awesome! Teaching is one of my passion, divulgate and share knowledge and experience is one of the best gift in the world!

Sean White
Sean White was the 2014 Interstate Renewable Energy Council Trainer of the Year. He is an IREC Certified Solar PV Master Trainer and has authored several books on solar. He contributed to the development of the NABCEP PV Installation Professional Job Task Analysis and has been a member of the NABCEP PV Installation Professional Technical Committee. Sean is a...
Frequently asked questions
Full FAQHow does this course work?
Is this course really in Italian?
Giulia Suriano and Sean White are your instructors. Giulia's first language is Italian and she created all of the videos in Italian. Giulia can answer all of your questions on the discussion board in Italian. But many of the handouts and practice test questions are in English. Since the NABCEP Exam you take will be in English, we think it's better to get used to it in the course.