Fundamentals of Enhanced Geothermal Energy Systems
About this course
This course brings together expert knowledge from across the geothermal industry through a combination of exclusive content and carefully curated external resources, including video lectures and demonstrations from leading industry experts. While you'll navigate between our platform and these valuable external materials, this approach allows us to share the most current and comprehensive insights from the field's top minds.
Fundamentals of Enhanced Geothermal Energy Systems is a free, introductory course for those who are interested to learn more about enhanced geothermal energy systems from an introductory, interdisciplinary approach. For those who are interested in deepening their learning and professional skill development, we encourage you to participate in Southern Utah University's first-of-it's-kind geothermal operations technician apprenticeship program. The program, administered by SUU and funded in part by Elemental, will provide those seeking new skill sets with the opportunity to learn geothermal directional drilling and well completions, while combining on-the-job training with college-level coursework on geology and energy systems. This unique approach offers pathways for traditional college students as well as adult and working learners interested in careers in the geothermal energy industry.
Learning Objectives
- Explain the fundamental mechanisms of heat transfer within the Earth's crust and how geological formations influence geothermal resource potential
- Analyze geological data to evaluate the suitability of specific locations for enhanced geothermal system development, considering factors such as rock permeability, temperature gradients, and structural features
- Demonstrate understanding of how geothermal heat is converted into electricity
- Compare oil and gas drilling operations with geothermal drilling operations to identify areas for technological and knowledge transfer as well as areas for new innovation
- Evaluate the role of enhanced geothermal systems as a clean, firm power resource in the U.S. electricity grid, analyzing it's advantages and limitations compared to other energy resources
Course outline
Welcome • 3 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
- Learn more about Southern Utah University's Geothermal Apprenticeship Program
Module 1 • 4 assignments
Introduction to Geothermal Energy Systems
- Course Introduction (02:06 minutes)
- Voltz Podcast: Enhanced Geothermal Is Finally A Reality
- TDC: Earth-Shattering Clean Energy Discovered: EGS
- Course Kick-off Discussion Questions
Module 2 • 6 assignments
Renewable Energy: The need, recent progress, and the current state of the industry
- Energy Basics
- Stanford Understand Energy: Energy Basics
- Energy vs Power
- The Unfolding Energy Transition
- Introduction to Renewable Energy
- Energy vs Power exercise
Module 3 • 10 assignments
Introduction to Geothermal Energy
- Geothermal Energy Overview Part 1
- Geothermal Energy Overview Part 2
- Wired: "A Vast Untapped Green Energy Source Is Hiding Beneath Your Feet"
- New York Times: "Drill, Baby, Drill: The Promise of Geothermal Power"
- Vox: Is the future of energy ... pouring water on hot rocks in the ground?
- Stanford Understand Energy: Geothermal
- Geovision Executive Summary (.pdf)
- Ted: The untapped energy source that could power the planet
- Geothermal Liftoff Report
- Geothermal Energy Basics - Quiz
Module 4 • 8 assignments
Geoscience Fundamentals and Geothermal Resource Exploration
- Key Concepts of Geothermal Systems in the Basin and Range Province (.pptx)
- Uses of Geothermal Energy and Exciting Emerging Pursuits (.pptx)
- Geothermal Energy: Overview of Concepts and Systems (17:47 minutes)
- Geothermal in the West (21:18 minutes)
- Subsurface flow of fluids, hydrothermal alteration, and exploration (.pptx)
- Geothermal Exploration (23:25 minutes)
- Geosciences and Geologic Exploration Quiz
- Geothermal Exploration Activity (.pdf)
Module 5 • 8 assignments
Geothermal Well Development
- Enhanced Geothermal Drilling
- Optional Refresher on Drilling and Completions
- Drilling Operations and Well Completions
- Geothermal Energy Benefits and Applications Core
- Nature and Dynamics of Geothermal Systems Core
- Direct Use Applications of Geothermal Core
- NREL Geothermal Drilling and Completions: Petroleum Practices Technology Transfer (.pdf)
- OPTIONAL: Sandia National Laboratories Handbook of Best Practices for Geothermal Drilling (.pdf)
Module 6 • 9 assignments
Geothermal Power Production
- How Binary Geothermal Power Stations Work
- Geothermal Electricity Production Core
- States of Matter
- Vapor Pressure
- Geovision: Geothermal Energy Production
- OPTIONAL: How Dry Steam Geothermal Power Stations Work
- OPTIONAL: How Double Flash Geothermal Power Stations Work
- Geothermal energy for direct heat applications
- Geothermal Power Generation Quiz
Module 7 • 10 assignments
Commercial Development
- How electricity gets to you
- What is a PPA?
- Completing the clean energy puzzle
- The impact of AI on energy demand
- Enhanced Geothermal Shot Summit
- Geovision: Geothermal Energy Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Optional: Electricity Markets 101
- OPTIONAL: EGS, are we there yet?
- The role of the oil and gas industry in geothermal
- Chart: Geothermal has vast potential to meet the world's power needs
Conclusion • 2 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate (members only)
Tule Horton is a Strategy Associate at Fervo Energy and leads the organization’s workforce development and Inflation Reduction Act implementation. Tule is passionate about decarbonization, energy systems, and ensuring a just energy transition. Tule has worked in partnership with Southern Utah University and Elemental Impact to launch the first ever geothermal drilling...