Bard Wall-Mount Maintenance & Prep for Modular Yard Tech's
About this course
Provide you with the information you need to professionally maintain and setup the wall-mount units you routinely work with helping you achieve your customers standards
Provide you with 24/7/365 factory training and enable you to expand your knowledge base at your pace and when you are available.
Simply view the short videos, download and view (or print) the provided documents (installation manuals, video guides, start-up documents, etc.) and then follow the instructions.
Course outline
Module 1 • 7 assignments
Bard Wall-Mount Maintenance & Prep for Modular Yard Tech's
- Welcome New Instructor - Watch this video first! (05:27 minutes)
- Wall-Mount Video (01:21:11 hours)
- Wall-Mount Video Guide - Download and take notes. (.pdf)
- Heat Pump Control / Defrost Board Video (10:19 minutes)
- Heat Pump Control Video Guide - print and take notes! (.pdf)
- Wall-Mount Coil Cleaning Video (15:20) (15:20 minutes)
Rick Downie
Manager of Technical Education 49 years of HVAC experience 14+ years of HVAC training experience 8+ years at Bard Manufacturing Hundreds of Training Events Thousands of Customers trained Thanks to All of YOU!