How Electrification Can Expand Business & Climate Impacts for Solar Businesses

About this course
This live webinar recording will help you explore the practical side adding home electrification elements to your business and prepare to navigate potential challenges with your clients.
Course outline
Module 1 • 7 assignments
Home Assessments for Decarbonization - WEBINAR
- Welcome and Overview of Topics Covered (05:03 minutes)
- Electrification Business Basics (12:40 minutes)
- Setting Homeowner Goals and Expectations (10:18 minutes)
- Investigating Existing Conditions (14:20 minutes)
- Recommending & Prioritizing Solutions (14:02 minutes)
- Providing Resources and Wrap Up (40 seconds)
- Presentation Slides (.pdf)

Ann Edminster
Ann V. Edminster, M. Arch, founder/principal of Design AVEnues, is an expert residential net-zero energy consultant, green building teacher, speaker, and author. She consults with builders, developers, software startups, design firms, investors, utilities, public agencies, and homeowners, providing unmatched knowledge of sustainable and regenerative design and...