High Performance Building Assemblies

About this course
This lecture covers just how heat and moisture can move in building assemblies, how to manage both, and the tools that are available to evaluate or predict hygrothermal performance of building assemblies.
Course outline
Module 1 • 4 assignments
Wet and Wild, or Safe and Dry? High Performance Building Assemblies
- Learning Objectives (.pdf)
- Presentation Slides (.pdf)
- Wet & Wild or Safe & Dry: High Performance Building Assemblies (58:25 minutes)
- 10 Questions, Multiple Choice

Peter Yost
Peter Yost is the person you turn to if you want to truly understand how to green your building. He brings more than 25 years experience in building, researching, teaching, writing, and consulting on high-performance buildings to his twin roles as Vice President of Technical Services for BuildingGreen, and technical director for Taunton Press’s GreenBuildingAdvisor.com....