Support Center Teach What's New in the HeatSpring Instructor Dashboard

What's New in the HeatSpring Instructor Dashboard


What's New in the HeatSpring Instructor Dashboard

Navigation and Course Status

The new dashboard offers improved navigation and clear course status information at a glance.

  • Back button for easy navigation to all courses
  • Prominent display of course title
  • Current course status shown across the top
  • Published courses listed for sale
  • Review process checklist for course publishing

Preview Options

New preview features allow instructors to see their course from different perspectives.

  • Sales page preview in a new tab
  • Student view preview in a new tab

Main Dashboard Categories

The dashboard is now organized into four intuitive main categories for streamlined course management.

  1. Sell your course
  2. Assemble the course
  3. Interact with students
  4. See your impact

Sell Your Course

This section focuses on preparing all the general information needed to market and launch your course.  Under Gneral information you select a course title, description and ability to upload a trailer video to promote the course.  In Learning objectives we provide helpful tips on writing learning objectives.  Subjects is an important step where you determine where we list your course in our catalog. Under Pricing & launch date you and either make a free or paid course and select the price and have the option for a pre-launch date to begin promote the course before it is published.  FAQ is where you can answer common questions related to the course.

  • General information
  • Learning objectives
  • Subjects
  • Pricing configuration & Launch date

Assemble the course

This is where instructors will spend a majority of their time organizing the content for their course.  This is where they can upload videos, support documents, links or quizzes.  


Build out your course content with various types of materials.

  • Video uploads
  • Text
  • Download (PDF, Xcel, PPT)
  • Resource links
  • Quiz
  • Student upload


Add evaluation tools to measure student understanding.

  • Quizzes


Integrate and manage a discussion forum in your course.

  • Set interaction cadence (daily or weekly)
  • Monitor student conversations

Interact with Students

Manage student engagement once your course is published.

  • Discussion board monitoring
  • Notification review
  • Access to student-submitted files (if applicable)

See your impact

Gain insights into your course performance and student feedback.


Monitor student engagement over different time periods.

  • Last 30 days view
  • Last 90 days view
  • All-time statistics

Student feedback

Review built-in survey feedback from students.

  • Course ratings
  • Detailed student feedback


Access comprehensive data reports for in-depth analysis.

  1. Enrollment report
  2. Analytics report
  3. Survey results report
  4. Completed assignments report

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